Sunday, April 21, 2013

World Traveling Sweet Rolls

Ovens. They're few and far between in this great country but seem like such a necessity in America. It's hard to believe we've lived here all this time without one.

Friends like the Curtis' make not having an oven more bearable on Sundays like today. Amy baked the cheesiest, warmest, most delicious lasagna I may have ever had the privilege of tasting. It's been a long time since of had a slice of that staple dinner option. It's always comforting to have familiar home cooked meals. On top of that, they were nice enough to let us trash their kitchen and use nearly all the necessary ingredients from their cupboards to make Granny Olson's famous sweet rolls. You just don't seem to need buckets of flour and yeast when you don't have an oven in Zhangjiagang.

My mother in law sent a message to us not too long ago addressing her desire to have these tasty treats baked in as many places across the world as possible to spread a little of Granny's love everywhere. Seeing as they've been baked in various states in the USA, the Canary Islands, Mexico, Guatemala, and Canada it is only fitting that we try to make them while we're over here in China. Not having an oven would have made it impossible but thanks to the Curtis' we can now add China to the sweet roll's world traveling list.

Just like the rest of dinner these rolls were beyond delicious and the added cream cheese frosting (not from granny) really brought it up an extra sugar notch on the yummy scale. It was almost as much fun to make the rolls as it was to eat them. I'm glad Amy was there because I was a little lost on what to do. Baking is a science. Hopefully Granny is proud!

Thank you Curtis family! We had a blast and are so glad you moved into the branch while we were still here so we could become friends.
Now feast your eyes on all the yumminess!

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